Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Cat Pictorial Help Guide

Tabby Cat & Black Cat from Cat & Mouse Kits
Cutting out pattern pieces on the fold - 1
Cutting out pattern pieces on the fold - 2
Cat's Eyes - Irises
Cat's Eyes - Pupils
Cat's Eyes - Light shining in eye
Cat face - Nose and Mouth
Attaching the face to the body front
Sewing the head together
Sewing the body together
Sewing on the feet and tail
Sewing on the base
The Cat & Mouse family!

Mouse Pictorial Help Guide

Field Mouse and House Mouse
Stitching the nose
Gathering the nose
Stitching on the nose
French Knots for eyes 
Stitching together the ears
Gather stitches at the bottom of the ears
gathering the ears
putting together the body
stitching together the head
stitching on the ears
stitching together the body
 stitching on the base and feet
stitching on the base
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