Ooohhh, this is going to be good... I have been thinking and thinking and thinking and then thinking some more, and I have finally worked out (i'll be the first to admit that I am sometimes a little slow..) that you people out there were just crying out for somewhere to see more of our lovely buttons, to see button projects, to talk about what you want from buttons and to just generally discuss the brilliance that is buttons...
So first up, for those of you who don't know, here's the family: ( I will show photos of us all later, but I have to get appropriate ones first)
Sarah, the big boss, the head honcho, the one that you will have seen if you go to any of the shows, and also my mum, (you can all share her if you like).
Anna (that's me), I do the dyeing, the computer stuff, the designing, and most of the blogging I guess from now on too...
Fiona, the one who knows all the random buttons we have and where they can be found. She likes to say she's an oompa loompa, but she's got more than a little Willy Wonka about her too.
Jan - our Polish engineer, who designs and makes lots of the buttons we sell.
This is the team on the ground here, but we will be looking for a design team to help us design projects with our buttons, both fabric, paper & jewellery. So I guess any offers are welcome at the moment!